Once you taste this homemade mango ice cream, you will never want to buy the flavoured ice creams! As this ice cream is made with fresh mango pulp, the taste is flavoursome compared to the store bought ones. The best thing is, it so easy to make in less than 10 minutes!

From schooling days, I wait for summers just for mangoes and of course for summer holidays too😃 In Summer, we can have mangoes and more ice creams…Happiness is having both together – MANGO ICE CREAM. It is scrumptious 😋

This home made ice cream is made with just 3 ingredients – heavy cream, mango pulp and icing sugar. You can used heavy cream or whipping cream with 35% fat. Be cautious when using the whipping cream, don’t over whip it as it can’t be undone. Just whisk it till you get creamy and thick consistency. To make the pulp, peel the mango and cut into pieces. Blend the pieces to get a smooth pulp without adding any water or milk. Food colour is optional, so if it’s not available, skip it.
Better to make the ice cream at night as you can freeze it over night. If you make it in the morning, you will definitely disturb the ice cream by checking it frequently 😄

• Heavy cream/whipping cream (35% fat) – 1 cup
• Powdered sugar – 1/4 cup
• Mango pulp – 1/2 cup
• Yellow food colour – 3 to 4 drops or Just a little bit if using gel colour (optional)
1. In a large bowl, add whipping cream and powdered sugar. Whisk it for 2 minutes.
2. Add mango pulp and whisk it for 2 minutes or till stiff peaks appear.
3. Add yellow food colour and mix till you get the melted ice cream consistency. DO NOT OVER WHIP.
4. Transfer it to a freezer safe air tight container and freeze it for at least 8 hours or overnight.
5. Scoop it and enjoy as it is or add cashews or fruits.

• Put the ice cream out for 2 to 3 minutes before scooping (not more than 3 minutes)
• Dip the ice cream scoop in warm water to scoop easily.